Picture this: it’s 2 AM, and your new bundle of joy is due any day now, but you’re still flipping through baby name books, struggling to find that one name that truly captures her spirit.
How about we save you some much-needed beauty sleep and turn this search into a joyride?
Before we jump into this collection of black girl names, let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty, strength, and richness of African American culture that beautifully spills into the art of naming.
From traditional African girl names echoing ancient civilizations to modern-day monikers inspired by phenomenal African American women who’ve left a mark in history.

From unique creations that blend soulful melodies and rhythmic poetry to spiritual names pulsating with deep meanings and hopes for a bright future.
We’re about to explore a realm of cute black girl names that are just as fabulous as the little diva you’re about to welcome!
Besides providing the origin and meaning of each name, we’ve also included possible nicknames in parentheses.
For your convenience, we’ve included the current popularity ranking next to each name. Not being among the top 1000 baby names on the US SSA website, unranked names offer a unique and rare choice.
Let’s embrace the diversity and richness of these black names for girls together!
Prettiest Black Girl Names

- Alessia – #354
Italian Defender (Al, Sia, Lessi, Aless)
- Amariah
Hebrew Promised by God (Ames, Amy, Mariah, Mari)
- Aretha
Greek Excellence, righteous (Retha, Ari, Rere)
- Ariah – #460
Hebrew Lioness, song (Ari, Ria, Aria)
- Ayesha
Arabic Alive (Aye, Yesha, Esha, Sha)
- Briella – #350
Hebrew God is my strength (Bri, Elle, Ella)
- Brielle – #116
Hebrew God is my strength (Bri, Elle, Ellie)
- Ciara
Irish Dark-haired, black (Cece, Sia, Ara)
- Crystal
Greek Something clear, precious (Chrys, Chrissy)
- Dalia #827
Arabic Gentle, slender branch (Lia, Dal, Dally, Alia)
- Desiree
French Desired (Des, Ree)
- Emmy – #507
German Whole, universal (Em, Ems)

- Gabriella – #89
Spanish God is my strength (Gab, Gabi, Bri, Brielle, Ella)
- Genesis – #65
English Creation, beginning (Gen, Jenny, Gene)
- Geneva
German Juniper tree (Gen, Jenny, Nev, Eva)
- Grace – #35
Latin Goodness, generosity (Gray, Gracie)
- Halle – #708
Old English Army ruler (Hall, Hail, Lee, Lili)
- Iesha
Hebrew Alive and well (Aish, Esha)
- Iris – #84
Greek Rainbow (Irie, Ire, Rissy)
- Jamariah
African American Of the sea (Jam, Jamie, Mari, Mariah, Jama)
- Jamilah
Arabic Beautiful, lovely (Jam, Jamie, Mila, Jammy)
- Janelle – #671
American God is gracious, fair one (Jan, Jane, Elle, Ellie)
- Jasmine – #178
Persian Gift from God (Jas, Jazz, Jazzy, Minnie)
- Jazelle
French Pledge (Jazz, Jazzy, Elle, Ellie, Ella)
- Journey – #315
English Trip, expedition (Jour, Ney, Nini)

- Kadia
English Rhyming, pure (Kad, Kadi, Dia, Dee, Deedee)
- Kamari – #882
Arabic Moon (Kam, Kami, Mari, Mar)
- Kamaria
Arabic Moon (Kam, Kammy, Mari, Maria)
- Katrina
Greek Pure (Kat, Trina, Trin, Katy)
- Keona
Hawaiian God’s gracious gift (Keo, Nana, Keon, Keke)
- Kiana – #753
Hawaiian The moon goddess (Kia, Nana, Kian)
- Kyrie
Greek Lord (Ky, Ri, Riri, Kyr)
- Leilani – #59
Hawaiian Heavenly garland of flowers (Lei, Lani, Nini)
- Marvelle
Latin Dazzling miracle (Marv, Marvie, Elle, Ella, Ellie)
- Nellie – #663
Latin Sun ray, horn (Nell, Nells, Lee, Lili)
- Nerissa
Greek Sea nymph (Issa, Rissa, Neri, Ner)
- Nova – #32
Latin New (Nov, Novi)

- Nyla – #241
Arabic The achiever, the successful one (Ny, Nyl)
- Raina – #929
Slavic Queen, rain (Rain, Rainie, Nana)
- Rashida
Arabic Righteous, wise (Rashi, Shida)
- Shantal
French Stone (Shan, Shanny)
- Shayla
Gaelic From the fairy palace (Shay, Shayl)
- Taliyah
Hebrew Dew from heaven (Tal, Tally, Aliyah, Liyah)
- Tamira
American A spice, palm tree (Tam, Tammy, Mira, Mimi)
- Tanisha
Sanskrit Ambition (Tan, Tanny, Nisha, Nini)
- Tavianna
American The Eighth, Gracious (Tavi, Via, Tavia, Anna, Annie)
- Trinity – #310
Latin Triad (Trin, Trinny, Trins)
- Whitney
Old English White island (Whit, Whitty, Nee, Nini)
- Yolanda
Spanish Violet flower (Yola, Landa, Anda, Andi)
- Zadie
Hebrew Princess (Zade, Zad, Deedee)
- Zaila
Arabic Might, power (Zay, Zail, Z)
RELATED: Most Beautiful Girl Names (With Meanings & Nicknames)
Unique Black Girl Names

- Aija
Indian Melody, happy (Ai, Ija)
- Alila
Arabic One who weeps (Lila, Lili, Lil)
- Anijah
Hebrew God answers (Ani, Nijah, Ija)
- Deja
French Again, already (Dej, Jah, Day)
- Deiondre
American Valley (Dei, Deion, Dee, Deedee)
- Delahni
French From the alder grove (Del, Dela, Lahni, Nini)
- Enjoli
French Extremely pretty (Jolly, Enjo, Lili)
- Ghislaine
French Pledge (Laine, Laney, Ghis, Ghissie)
- Ivory
English Pale, white (Ivy, Ive, Ivers)
- Jaliya
Arabic Clear, manifest (Jal, Lia, Lili)
- Jamiya
American One who follows, a successor (Jam, Jamie, Jammy, Miya, Mimi)
- Khadijah
Arabic Early baby, trustworthy (Khad, Dijah, Khadi)
- Kamaya
Hawaiian The one and only (Kam, Kammy, Maya, Mia)

- Kanesha
American Great joy (Kan, Kane, Nesha, Nesh)
- Keitha
Irish Forest (Key, Keys, Itha)
- Kendricka
English Bold ruler (Ken, Kenny, Candy, Ricka)
- Kiarra
Italian Bright, famous (Kia, Arra, Kiar, Rara)
- Lanelle
American Precious (Lan, Lanny, Elle, Ellie)
- Leisha
Old German Noble (Lei, Isha, Sha)
- Lettie
English Joy, gladness (Let)
- Lexus
Greek Defender of humankind (Lex, Lexie)
- Lyasia
African American Original, one of a kind (Asia, Lyas, Lya, Sia)
- Marquita
Latin Dedicated to Mars (Mar, Mari, Marqui)
- Mercedes
Latin Mercy (Mer, Merry, Merce)
- Monet
French To be heard (Mon, Moni, Nay)
- Najwa
Arabic Secret, whisper (Naj, Najie, Wawa)

- Naima
Arabic Tranquil, pleasantness (Naim, Nana, Ima)
- Nikisha
Sanskrit Small, intelligent and cautious (Niki, Nik, Kisha)
- Nisha
Sanskrit Night (Nish, Nishi, Sha)
- Niyana
Hindu Obediant (Niya, Nia, Nini, Ana, Ann)
- Nyelle
Hebrew Near God, One who is close to God (Nyel, Nellie, Nell)
- Roneesha
English Victory bringer, strong counsel (Ron, Ronnie, Neesh, Nisha)
- Samia
Arabic Elevated, exalted (Sam, Sami, Mia, Mimi)
- Semaj
American Supplanter (Sam, Sammy)
- Shakaila
Arabic Beautiful (Shasha, Kaila, Kai)
- Shante
Old French Stone, peaceful (Shan, Shanny)
- Shariah
Arabic Law (Shari, Ria, Riah, Shar)
- Shawna
Irish God is gracious (Shawn, Shaw, Shawny)
- Zemirah
Hebrew Joyous melody (Zem, Zemmy, Mira, Mimi)
You'll find more female names with unique and cute nicknames in our collections!
Strong And Badass Black Girl Names

- Alisha
Sanskrit Noble, protected by God (Ali, Sha, Ally)
- Amiyah – #430
Old French Beloved, delightful (Ame, Amy, Miya)
- Anita
Spanish Graceful, merciful (Ani, Nita, Nini)
- Angel – #521
English Messenger, angel (An, Annie, Ange, Angie)
- Aria – #23
Italian Song, melody (Air, Ria, Riri)
- Ashari
English A voracious and soft-spoken person (Asha, Shari, Shar, Ari)
- Aquila
Latin Eagle (Aqui, Quil)
- Aviani
Greenlandic Family (Avi, Avie, Ani, Anna)
- Bianca – #426
Italian White, pure (Bia, Bee, Anka)
- Bobbi
Latin Foreign, shining glory (Bob, Bobbs, Bee, Bibi)
- Brandy
Italian Sword (Bran, Brand, Deedee)
- Camisha
Scottish Crooked nose (Cam, Cammy, Misha)
- Candace
Latin Clarity, whiteness (Can, Candy, Ace)
- Cashmere
English Wool from the Kashmir goat (Cash, Cashy, Mera, Meer)
- Daija
French Already, remembrance (Dai, Day, Dayday, Dee, Ija)
- Damika
French Open-spirited, friendly (Dam, Dame, Mika, Mimi)
- Destiny – #391
Latin Destiny, fate (Dest, Tiny, Nini, Destin)

- Ebony
English Black wood (Eb, Ebby, Bonnie, Bonbon)
- Fatima – #352
Arabic Captivating, shining one (Tima, Fatim)
- Felicia
Latin Lucky, fortunate (Fel, Felly, Licia, Sia)
- Harriet
German Home ruler (Harry, Hare, Ettie, Etta, Hattie)
- Imani – #503
Arabic Belief, faith (Iman, Mani, Nini)
- Jada – #832
Hebrew Wise (Jade, Jadie, Ada)
- Jade – #88
English Precious stone (Jadie, Jad)
- Janine
Hebrew God is gracious (Jan, Janie, Jane, Nina, Neen)
- Jelani
African Strong, mighty (Jel, Lani, Lan)
- Jemima
Hebrew Dove (Gem, Jemmie, Mimi, Mima)
- Kaia – #225
Scandinavian Pure, the sea (Kai)
- Kayla – #279
Hebrew Slim and fair (Kay, Kays, Kayl, Lala)
- Kehlani – #152
Hawaiian Sea and sky (Keh, Lani, Nini, Kel)
- Keisha
Hebrew Cassia, cinnamon (Keish, Shasha, Isha, Key)
- Kendra – #703
English Knowing (Ken, Kenny, Kendy)
- Keyana
American Living with grace (Keys, Key, Ana, Ani)

- Keziah
Hebrew Cassia tree, sweet-scented spice (Kez, Kezza, Kezzy, Ziah, Zizi)
- Kiah
American Person of Earth (Kia, Key, Kiki, Keys)
- Kimora
American The golden meadow (Kim, Kimmy, Mora)
- Kira – #390
English Black (Kiki, Ira, Irie, Ire)
- Maia – #420
Greek Great, mother (Mia, Mimi)
- Maleah – #992
Hawaiian Calm, peaceful (Mal, Mally, Leah, Lili)
- Malika
Hebrew Messenger of God (Mali, Lika, Lili, Ika)
- Naima
Arabic Tranquil, pleasantness (Nai, Ima, Naim)
- Nakia
Arabic Pure, faithful (Kia, Kiki, Nak)
- Queenie
Old English Queen
- Quinta
Latin Fifth (Quinn, Quinny)
- Reign – #365
American Rule, sovereign (Reignie, Ray, Rayray)
- Renee
French Reborn, born again (Ren, Rennie)
Latin Speaker, advice (Rett, Retty)
- Sabah
Hebrew From Sheba, morning, promise (Sab, Sabby)
- Samara – #299
Hebrew Guardian, protected by God (Sam, Sammy, Mara, Mar)

- Sanaya
Sanskrit Eminent, distinguished (San, Sunny, Naya)
- Sariah – #902
Hebrew Princess of the Lord (Sari, Sarah, Sar, Ria, Riri)
- Sasha – #640
Russian Defender, helper of mankind (Sash, Sha)
- Shamika
American Loving and kind (Sha, Mika, Mimi)
- Shandra
Sanskrit Of the moon (Shan, Shanny, Andra, Andie)
- Shanae
Hebrew God is gracious (Shan, Nae, Nini)
- Shekinah
Hebrew God’s manifested glory (She, Kina, Kiki)
- Tamara
Arabic Date palm (Tam, Tammy, Tama, Mara, Mar)
- Tamia
American Date palm (Tam, Tammy, Mia, Mimi)
- Tasia
Greek Resurrection (Tash, Tassie, Asia)
- Tasha
Russian Birthday of the Lord, Christmas (Tash, Sha)
- Tisha
American Joy (Tish, Sha, Tishy)
- Tracy
Irish War-like, fighter (Trace, Tray)
- Trina
Scandinavian Triple (Trin, Trinny, Rin)
- Tyla
English A worker in roof tiles (Ty, Tyl)
- Tyra
Scandinavian God of battle, from the land of the Yew tree (Ty, Tyr)
- Tatiana
Latin Fairy queen (Tat, Tati, Tiana, Tia, Ana)
- Zola
Latin Earth, the mount of earth (Zo, Zol, Zozo, Zolie)
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Common African-American Girl Names

- Aaliyah – #69
Arabic Exalted one (Ali, Liyah, Ally, Lia)
- Aisha – #461
Arabic Life, alive (Sha, Shasha, Aish)
- Alexis – #361
Greek Defender, protector (Alex, Lex, Lexie)
- Amara – #142
Igbo Grace (Amy, Ames, Mara, Mar)
- Amari – #320
Hebrew Promised by God (Amy, Ames, Mari, Mar)
- Amaya – #169
Spanish The end (Amy, Ames, Maya, May)
- Amina – #318