Having mom rage? Or feeling like you’re an angry mom and want help in feeling better and being more happy? I got you because these 7 steps will show you how to stop being an angry mom and feel better in minutes.
I remember being in high school and every time my mom would get home she would be angry. My sisters and I would say “why is she always angry?”
My mom is the best mom ever and we have a great relationship…
But back then I didn’t understand why she was so mad..
Until, I realized that she was working all day, would get home and had to make dinner, clean and do other stuff
So there was no break for her…
But I did tell myself that when I became a mom I was not going to be angry…I just didn’t like it.
Needless to say that I’m not an angry mom…but I do get stressed sometimes, I do yell at my kids sometimes..but always try to find joy and turn my day around with the tools that I’m going to teach you…
Being an angry mom or having mom rage is when you feel so overwhelmed, you feel out of control, you can’t control your emotions so you yell or scream at your kids and husband…
The effects of being an angry mom:
- irritated
- less patient
- feel not good enough
- can’t connect with kids
- less present with children
- carrying mental load of motherhood
- marriage suffers
- overwhelmed
- not in control of emotions
If you feel mom rage or feel like your emotions are more of anger, resentment than joy and patience
Listen up because I’m going to help you right now…Learn how to stop being an angry mom and love your mom life more!
First do not feel shame, guilt or think you’re a bad mom because just recognizing that “i need help and I want to stop being angry” is already a huge big step
7 ways on how to stop being an angry mom

1.Recognize your triggers
One super important thing to start doing in order to stop being an angry mother is to be aware of the true reason why you feel angry all of the time. What’s the real reason you’re always mad and lashing out? (work? stress?your thoughts about yourself?). Make a list of every reason you can think of.
Being aware will help you eliminate the triggers and therefor help you become a a more joyful, present mother.
In my self help online course for moms, I have an entire section on building habits of a calm and happy mom. Check out the course and enroll here! It will change your motherhood life.
2. Stop saying you’re an angry mom or this is who you are
Words are very powerful. What you tell yourself even if it’s false becomes a belief and then you show up as a mom and wife as an angry mom.
The more you say “I’m an angry mom, this is who I am” is giving you an excuse to not change and stay the same.
Also, being an angry mom is not who you are, you’re just telling yourself this.
So what if you start telling yourself that you’re a calm, happy mom?
How will you act now? how do you manage your emotions? what do you believe about yourself now?
3. Do more things that brings you joy
One of the reason why you have mom rage is because you are neglecting your needs. You’re taking care of everyone else but yourself. So now you feel stress, overwhelm are angry. Romanticizing your mom days can seriously help. You can create your days with intentions of feeling more joy and happiness. By doing small things throughout your day that brings you joy, gratitude and that good feeling all around.
Drinking your iced coffee, reading the bible, going on a walk, taking a break ect…Your day to day is what counts and the more you treat yourself to these small feel good moments, the more you are able to feel less anger and more happiness.
4 ways to have more peace in your life as a mom
6 empowering tips to help you stop comparing yourself to other moms
4. Journal
I love to journal and find it super helpful to write things down. Writing how you feel and noticing trigger is helpful. Sometimes we either don’t speak to adults or we just simply do not want to share your feelings in that moment. So journaling about it can help you release that emotion on paper.
I love to write a gratitude list every morning and list 5 things that I’m grateful for. Which helps me feel better immediately.
Checkout my guided journal for moms here!
5. Self care always wins
In order to feel better as a mom and less reactive to small things that are happening in your day to.day life.Start filling your cup and practice self care. Taking care of yourself is so important to do. It is not selfish, it doesn’t mean you’re full of yourself and it definitely does not take away from you being a great mother and wife. Practicing self care helps you feel better, be more patient, feel happier and more you are able to be more present with your kids.
Being mindful of your days, how you take care of yourself and specially how you treat yourself is important. Talk to yourself with kindness and build yourself up. You are doing a great job and you matter too.
6. Practice gratitude
Another quick way to start ditching the angry mom syndrome is to practice gratitude. Practicing gratitude and being thankful for the things that you have in your life helps you feel so much better. You are focusing on the good and positive things of your life and not wishing you had someone else’s life. Gratitude helps you keep grounded and it improves your mood as a mom!
Good days start with gratitude
5 minutes to happiness journal
Read this next:
5 simple ways busy moms can practice gratitude
10 empowering ways to boost your confidence as a mom
7. Anger is just like any other emotion
Just like you feel anger..you can also feel joy
It’s an emotion and knowing that you are in control of your emotions will help you to choose how you want to feel.
Isn’t it amazing? That you get to choose and be intention with how you want to feel?

Okay, I know this is easier said than done right?
Specially when this is all new to you and you really want to make a change in your life…
This is where I come in!
As your life coach I help you stop being angry and instead find ways to help you feel better about yourself and love your life more.
Here’s a quote that I love ” The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the level of thinking that created them” – Albert Einstein
So true!
My job as your life coach is to help you create a different story of your life so that you create different thoughts that will get your results!
Ready to being a better, happier and more present mom?
ditch the stress, anger and overwhelm?