Unique girl names are special but hard to come by.
Sometimes you can find a rare female name, but then it may be so weird or too out there.
So, I get it. Finding a unique baby girl name that you like is tough!
That’s why I’ve taken the trouble to collate this list of beautiful rare girl names you’ll not find on other lists.
These are female names you haven’t thought of but are lovely and stunning just like your baby girl.

From adorable feminine names like Liora to space aesthetic names like Starlie, you are bound to find a unique name perfect for your baby girl.
This list includes only unique girl names.
Check out the names below for pretty uncommon girl name ideas you’ll fall in love with.
Unique Girl Names With Meanings

- Zera – “new beginnings” (nn. Zizi, Rara, Zee)
- Liora – “my light” (nn. Lily, Lia, Lora)
- Aviva – “spring” (nn. Viva, Vivi, Avi)
- Ciella – “heavenly” (nn. Ciel, Cece, Ella)
- Starlie – “like a star” (nn. Star, Starry, Lee)
- Viella – “artful” (nn. Vivi, Viv, Ella)
- Norali – “honored” (nn. Nor, Nora, Ally)
- Florabel – “beautiful flower” (nn. Flora, Flo, Bell)
- Essia – “she cares and comforts” (nn. Essy, Es, Sia)
- Aelia – “sunshine” (nn. Lia, Lili, Aelie)
- Fiora – “little flower” (nn. Fifi, Fio, Fee)
- Annia – “priceless one” (nn. Ann, Annie, Nia)
- Cozy – “sweet-hearted” (nn. Coz, Zizi, Zee)
- Aravie – “royal life” (nn. Ara, Vivi, Rav)
- Irie – “positive and powerful” (nn. Ai, Riri, Ree)

- Elayna – “bright shining light” (nn. Layna, Lay, El)
- Zozie – “little lilly full of grace and life” (nn. Zo, Zozo, Zie)
- Sunlee – “sunny meadow” (nn. Sun, Sunny, Lee)
- Airlie – “eagle wood” (nn. Airy, Air, Lee)
- Rivi – “shore or riverbank” (nn. Riv, Riva, Riri)
- Soley – “buttercup, sun island” (nn. Sole, Ley, Sol)
- Cliona – “shapely” (nn. Cici, Lona, Ilona)
- Daria – “possessing goodness” (nn. Dare, Ria, Riri)
- Mardelle – “from the valley” (nn. Mari, Mar, Della)
- Ariane – “very holy” (nn. Ari, Aria, Riane)
- Minerva – “intellect, Roman goddess of wisdom” (nn. Min, Minnie, Eva)
- Vienna – “Austrian City” (nn. Vivi, Enna, Ennie)
- Kylea – “the feminine form of Kyle” (nn. Kyle, Lea, Ky)
- Ursa – “little female bear” (nn. Urs, Ursie, Sa)
- Yvaine – “combo of Yvonne and Elaine – used in Stardust movie” (nn. Vaine, Yve, Vee)
Unique and Creative Baby Girl Names

- Mable – “lovable or lovely” (nn. Mab, Mabie, Mabs)
- Missie – “bee; honey; brave strength” (nn. Miss, Izzy, Cee)
- Oriana – “golden, sunrise” (nn. Or, Rian, Riri)
- Azalea – “flower name means dry” (nn. Az, Azzy, Lea)
- Evalie – “rival” (nn. Eva, Evie, Lee)
- Acelynn – “the beautiful one” (nn. Ace, Lynn, Lynney)
- Sundra – “like the sun” (nn. Sun, Sunny, Sund)
- Zia – “light or splendor” (nn. Zee, Zizi, Ziz)
- Rainah – “queen” (nn. Rainy, Aina, Rain)
- Galaxy – “large system of stars, magic of the night sky” (nn. Lax, Gal, Alex)
- Zaida – “to increase” (nn. Zaid, Aida, Zay)
- Solena – “religious” (nn. Sol, Lena, Ena)
- Xayla – “to rejoice” (nn. Xay, Ayla, Xayxay)
- Wonder – “amazement or awe” (nn. Wondey, Won, W)
- Acacia – “thorn” (nn. Cia, Cece, Acace)

- Verlie – “beaver stream or meadow; faith” (nn. Ver, Very, Lee)
- Twily – “just like twilight” (nn. Twil, Twirly, Lily)
- Swannie – “like a swan” (nn. Swan, Wannie, Nini)
- Athlea – “healing” (nn. Thea, Attie, Lea)
- Tayce – “to be silent” (nn. Taycey, Tay, Taytay)
- Levana – “moon or white” (nn. Lev, Levy, Ana)
- Enfys – “rainbow” (nn. Enna, Fizz, Enfy)
- Ohana – “family” (nn. Nana, Hana, Ana)
- Elyssia – “home of the blessed” (nn. El, Lyss, Elys)
- Catriona – “pure, clear” (nn. Cat, Kitty, Ona)
- Dexie – “skillful, right-handed” (nn. Dex, Xixi, Dee)
- Cassia – “cinnamon” (nn. Cass, Cassie, Sia)
- Arella – “angel” (nn. Ari, Ella, Elle)
- Breezy – “windy” (nn. Bree, Bry, Eezy)
- Cleva – “hill-dweller” (nn. Clev, Eva, Evie)
Beautiful Uncommon Names For Girls

- Tamren – “palm tree” (nn. Tammy, Tams, Ren)
- Asia – “east, sunrise” (nn. Ace, Sia, Azzy)
- Romilly – “citizen of Rome” (nn. Milly, Romy, Roro)
- Lealie – “holly garden” (nn. Lea, Lee, Lily)
- Spectra – “range of colors or light” (nn. Spec, Ectra, Tra)
- Zarlee – “flower” (nn. Lee, Zar, Zally)
- Zya – “light” (nn. Zy, Zizi, Ziz)
- Vina – “vineyard” (nn. Vin, Vinny, Ina)
- Journey – “trip or voyage” (nn. Jojo, Joey, Nini)
- Zealia – “heaven” (nn. Zea, Lia, Zizi)
- Romelia – “from Rome” (nn. Rome, Romy, Lia)
- Scotlyn – “from Scotland” (nn. Scotty, Lynn, Scots)
- Hera – “Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth” (nn. Her, Hattie, Harry)
- Ocie – “of the seas” (nn. Oce, Cece, Sia)
- Leda – “woman or mother of the people” (nn. Led, Ledy, Eda)
- Ketra – “Passionate Warrior” (nn. Kitty, Ket, Kay)
- Arianda – “holy and serene” (nn. Ari, Aria, Anda)
- Beaux – “beautiful” (nn. Bo, Bobo, Bibi)
- Meadow – “grassy field” (nn. Mead, Meddy, Dodo)
- Soul – “spirit or essence” (nn. Souly, Soso, Sol)
- Ezria – “help” (nn. Ez, Ezzy, Ria)
- Zavannah – “open plain” (nn. Anna, Ann, Zav)
Pretty Rare Girl Names For Your One-Of-A-Kind Baby

- Diamond – “a precious gemstone” (nn. Dia, Deedee, Dee)
- Misty – “covered with mist” (nn. Mist, Missy, Mis)
- Saxony – “a region in Germany” (nn. Sax, Say, Sassy)
- Milani – “unclear meaning” (nn. Milan, Lani, Mila)
- Rimini – “a city in Italy” (nn. Rimi, Minnie, Min)
- Rouge – “red color in French” (nn. Roro, Roo, Rooroo)
- Ocean – “large body of saltwater” (nn. Ocie, O, Sean)
- Renesmee – “a combination of the names Renee and Esme” (nn. Rene, Esme, Ren)
- Saylor – “a sailor or boatman” (nn. Say, Sally, Saysay)

- Jayanna – “unclear meaning” (nn. Jay, Anna, Jaya)
- Oraya – “unclear meaning” (nn. Raya, Ray, O)
- Knightley – “knight’s meadow” (nn. Knight, Ley, Nini)
- Adena – “noble or delicate” (nn. Addie, Dena, Dee)
- Ferne – “an alternate spelling of Fern, a type of plant” (nn. Ferny, Fifi, Fen)
- Nerea – “a Basque name meaning ‘mine’” (nn. Riri, Rea, Neri)
- Ezrie – “unclear meaning” (nn. Ez, Ezzie, Rie)
- Jorja – “a variant of Georgia, meaning ‘farmer’” (nn. Jor, Jorji, Jo)
- Tonisha – “unclear meaning” (nn. Toni, Nisha, Nish)
- Eowyn – “a name from J.R.R. Tolkien’s works, meaning ‘horse joy’” (nn. Winnie, Wynna, Wyn)
Unique Female Names

- Akaiah – “God’s messenger” (nn. Aki, Kai, Kaia)
- Aris – “best, excellent” (nn. Ari, Rissy, Air)
- Avelle – “breath, breeze” (nn. Elle, Ellie, Avie)
- Azana – “superior” (nn. Zana, Az, Azzy)
- Bijou – “jewel” (nn. Bibi, Biboo, Joo)
- Brinleigh – “burnt meadow” (nn. Brin, Brinny, Leigh)
- Cantrice – “singer” (nn. Can, Trice, Canny)
- Elia – “my God is Yahweh” (nn. Lia, El, Ellie)
- Elowen – “elm tree” (nn. El, Ellie, Wen)
- Emella – “industrious, striving” (nn. Mella, Ella, Em)
- Esmeray – “dark moon” (nn. Esme, Ray, Ez)
- Evanora – “light, grace” (nn. Eva, Evie, Nora)
- Giada – “jade” (nn. Gia, Gigi, Ada)
- Graylee – “grey meadow” (nn. Gray, Lee, Lili)

- Joliette – “pretty little one” (nn. Jolie, Jojo, Etta)
- Loxley – “glade of the lake” (nn. Lox, Ley, Lili)
- McKynlee – “son of Kinley” (nn. Kynna, Kyn, Mac)
- Muriel – “sparkling, bright sea” (nn. El, Muri, Ella)
- Sada – “pure one” (nn. Sadie, Ada, S)
- Scout – “one who gathers information, an explorer” (nn. Sco, Scouty, Scooter)
- Tealia – “greenish-blue color” (nn. Tea, Lia, Teal)
- Thistle – “a type of flowering plant” (nn. This, Thissy, Thi)
- Tillienne – “mighty in battle” (nn. Tilly, Anne, Lienne)
- Twyla – “twilight” (nn. Twirly, Twirl, Twyl)
- Veryn – “little bear” (nn. Ver, Very, Ryn)
- Wrenley – “small bird meadow” (nn. Wren, Wrenny, Ley)
- Zandria – “defender of mankind” (nn. Andria, Zandy, Zan)
- Zienna – “life, energy” (nn. Enna, Zien, Zee)
Creative Female Names

- Alleah – “Noble, exalted” (nn. Alley, Leah, Lily)
- Amoret / Amorette – “Little love” (nn. Amor, Rette, Ettie)
- Analyn – “Grace, favor” (nn. Ana, Ann, Lyn)
- Avonlea – “River meadow” (nn. Avon, Lea, Lee)
- Blakelyn – “Dark meadow” (nn. Blake, Lake, Lynn)
- Brydee – “Exalted one” (nn. Bry, Deedee, Byrd)
- Cambrya – “From Wales” (nn. Cammie, Cams, Bry)
- Dittany – “Strong, powerful” (nn. Ditto, Ditty, Annie)
- Dovelyn – “Gentle” (nn. Dove, Dovey, Lovey)
- Echo – “Reverberating sound” (nn. Eck, Choco, Coco)
- Elva – “Elf, supernatural being” (nn. El, Ellie, Elvie)
- Hestia – “Hearth, home” (nn. Hesty, Hes, Tia)
- Iridessa – “Iridescent, rainbow” (nn. Iri, Dessa, Dess)
- Kopelyn – “Victory of the people” (nn. Kope, Lynn, Lina)

- Linnea – “Twinflower, lime tree” (nn. Linn, Linne, Nia)
- Maraya – “Bitter, sea of bitterness” (nn. Raya, Mari, Mara)
- Maycen – “Powerful, mighty” (nn. Macy, May, Mayce)
- Olivine – “Green gemstone” (nn. Olive, Livie, Liv)
- Prairie – “Grassland, meadow” (nn. Irie, Prai, Riri)
- Shaylee – “Fairy palace” (nn. Shay, Lee, Lili)
- Skylette – “Scholar, protection” (nn. Sky, Ettie, Skyla)
- Suella – “Little lily” (nn. Ella, Sue, Elle)
- Swae – “One who is charming” (nn. S, Say, Way)
- Theadosia – “Gift of God” (nn. Thea, Tia, Sia)
- Tiggy – “Little, petite” (nn. Tig, Tigs, Iggy)
- Villa – “Village, settlement” (nn. Villy, Vill, Lala)
- Waverleigh – “Meadow of quivering aspens” (nn. Wavey, Wave, Leigh)
- Zadie – “Princess” (nn. Zad, Deedee, Zee)
- Zella – “Wisdom, knowledge” (nn. Zelle, Zellie, Z)
Rare Girl Names

- Ariadne – “Most holy” (nn. Ari, Aria, Riri)
- Enid – “Soul, purity” (nn. En, Ennie, Nid)
- Milagros – “Miracles” (nn. Mila, Milly, Mil)
- Ivey – “A climbing evergreen ornamental plant” (nn. Ives, Ive, Vey)
- Jessia – “He sees” (nn. Jess, Jessie, Sia)
- Armonie – “A priceless gift from the heavens” (nn. Mon, Monie, Armie)
- Ivana – “God is gracious” (nn. Iva, Ivi, Ana)
- Dori – “Gift, generation” (nn. Dor, Dore, Dodo)
- Zyana – “Blessing from heaven” (nn. Yana, Zya, Ana)
- Carina – “Beloved” (nn. Cari, Care, Rina)
- Elara – “Cheerful and happy individual” (nn. Lara, El, Ela)
- Carissa – “Beloved, grace” (nn. Rissa, Carrie, Care)
- Matthia – “Gift of God” (nn. Matty, Thia, Tia)
- Janey – “Yahweh is gracious and merciful” (nn. Jane, Jan, Jay)
- Zahara – “Flowering, shining” (nn. Hara, Za, Hari)

- Marcella – “Strong, young warrior” (nn. Marcel, Ella, Elle)
- Menodora – “Gift of the moon” (nn. Dora, Nora, Me)
- Euphemia – “Good speaker” (nn. Euph, Mia, Mimi)
- Letitia – “Joy, gladness” (nn. Lettie, Tia, Let)
- Calla – “Beauty” (nn. Callie, Cal, Lala)
- Novia – “Girlfriend, sweetheart” (nn. Nova, Nov, Novie)
- Zana – “God is gracious” (nn. Zan, Zanni, Ana
- Nessa – “Butterfly” (nn. Ness, Nessie, Ssa)
- Cressida – “Golden” (nn. Cress, Ida, Cressy)
- Jodine – “Thankful” (nn. Jojo, Jodie, Deedee)
- Evanthe – “Blooming, flowery” (nn. Eva, Evie, Evan)
- Elspeth – “Chosen by God” (nn. Elle, Els, Ella)
- Terra – “Earth” (nn. Terri, Ter, T)
- Finola – “White shoulder” (nn. Fin, Finny, Nola)
- Flavia – “Blonde” (nn. Flav, Via, Vivi)
Uncommon Girl Names

- Themis – “Divine law, that which is laid down” (nn. Missy, Miss, The)
- Nell – “Shining light” (nn. Nelly, Nella, Elly)
- Sybil – “Prophetess, oracle” (nn. Syb, Sybby, Bil)
- Constance – “The unchangeable in affection and faithfulness” (nn. Con, Connie, Stan)
- Madge – “Child of light” (nn. Maddie, Mad, Madgey)
- Flossie – “Flower” (nn. Floss, Fliss, Flow)
- Reba – “To tie firmly, connection” (nn. Reb, Rebi, Re)
- Petra – “Unshakeble and resilient, rock” (nn. Pet, Petta, Petty)
- Etta – “The ruler of the house” (nn. Ettie, Ett, E)
- Twyla – “Twilight, early evening” (nn. Twyl, Wyl, Twirl)
- Tessie – “Late summer, one who takes care of the gardens” (nn. Tess, Tessa, Essie)
- Leonor – “Light” (nn. Leo, Leon, Nora)
- Hestia – “Hearth, fireside” (nn. Hes, Tia, Hest)
- Keeley – “Beautiful, graceful” (nn. Keel, Kelly, Kiki)

- Kamara – “Chameleon” (nn. Kam, Kammy, Mara)
- Keziah – “Cassia tree, sweet-scented spice” (nn. Kez, Zizi, Kezzy)
- Kimora – “The golden meadow” (nn. Kimmy, Mora, Mori)
- Kensington – “The town of Cynsige’s people” (nn. Kenny, Ken, Kensy)
- Jubilee – “Joy, celebration” (nn. Ju, Jub, Lee)
- Brenna – “Raven, raven-haired” (nn. Brennie, Bren, Renna)
- Lisette – “Pledged to God” (nn. Lizzy, Liz, Lili)
- Lucina – “Grove, light” (nn. Lu, Lucy, Cinna)
- Anissa – “Loyal friend” (nn. Annie, Nissa, Niss)
- Agate – “At the gate” (nn. Aggie, Ag, Gatey)
- Asra – “Generous, noble” (nn. As, Azzy, Rara)
- Romilda – “Glorious battle maiden” (nn. Rom, Romy, Milda)
- Isolde – “Fair lady” (nn. Is, Issy, Sol)
- Adra – “Virgin, noble” (nn. Addy, Ad, Audie)
Pretty Unique Girl Names

- Stelle – “Star” (nn. Stellie, Stella, Elle)
- Louella – “Famous warrior” (nn. Lou, Elle, Ellie)
- Luana – “Lion” (nn. Lou, Ana, Ann)
- Carys – “Love” (nn. Care, Rys, Rissy)
- Augusta – “Great, magnificent” (nn. Augie, Gus, Aggie)
- Cosima – “Decency, order” (nn. Cos, Cossie, Cozy)
- Marjorie – “Pearl” (nn. Marge, Margie, Riri)
- Tilly – “Mighty in battle” (nn. Til, Tills, Ti)
- Devon – “Deep valley dwellers” (nn. Dev, Devo, Devy)
- Darby – “Deer park” (nn. Darbs, Darb, Dab)
- Harlan – “Dweller by the boundary wood, rocky land” (nn. Harley, Harl, Lan)
- Langley – “Long meadow” (nn. Lang, Ley, Lili)
- Lane – “Narrow road” (nn. Laney, Lan, Lay)
- Merritt – “Boundary gate” (nn. Merry, Mer, Miri)

- Sweeney – “Son of Suibhne” (nn. Sween, Sweety, Swen)
- Bliss – “Intense happiness” (nn. Blissy, Liz, Lizzy)
- Elm – “Red, brown” (nn. Ellie, Elle, Ella)
- Darcy – “Dark one, from the fortress” (nn. Darce, Dar, Dare)
- Vanya – “Gracious gift of God” (nn. Van, Vanny, Anya)
- Sol – “Sun” (nn. Solly, Sunny, Sun)
- Rosaria – “Our lady of the Rosary” (nn. Rosa, Roro, Aria)
- Eula – “Well-spoken” (nn. Eulie, Eul, Lala)
- Leonie – “lion” (nn. Leon, Nini, Leo)
- Temperance – “Moderation” (nn. Temmie, Temp, Temper)
- Miya – “Temple, shrine” (nn. Mimi, Miy, Maya)
- Fia – “Flame” (nn. Fifi, Fya, Fy)
- Damaris – “Calf, gentle” (nn. Dame, Dammy, Mari)
- Alizee – “Joyful” (nn. Ali, Liz, Lizee)
Unique Female Names