f you’re looking for some Irish baby names that are as delightful as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, you’ve come to the right place.
Whether you’ve got Irish roots or simply admire the sweet sound of these names, we’ve got a bunch that’ll make you smile.
From names with legendary tales to those that just sound lovely, we’ve put together a list that’ll make you fall for the magic of Irish names.
We’ll take you on a journey to uncover the meaning of each unique name, including some nickname ideas in parentheses.
To make your search a breeze, we’ve added the current ranking for each name’s popularity based on the US SSA website’s top 1000 list of baby names. Unranked names stand out as unusual choices.
Keep reading to discover the ideal St. Patrick’s name for your little bundle of joy!
Irish Girl Names

- Aine
Irish Brilliant, happiness (Awny, Nya, Naya, Nia, Awn)
- Aisling
Irish Dream, vision (Ash, Ashley, Ling, Ashey)
- Alana – #203
Latin Precious, awakening (Lana, Lan, Lani, Alan, Al)
- Aoife
Irish Beautiful, radiant (Eve, Evie, Eves, Ev)
- Aurelia – #490
Latin The golden one (Lia, Auri, Aure, Relia)
- Brenna
Gaelic Raven, raven-haired (Bren, Brenny, Brens, B, Bee)
- Bridget – #791
Gaelic Power, strength, exalted one (Bridge, Bridgey, Bry, Biddy, Brie)
- Brigid
Irish Strength, exalted one (Bridge, Bridgey, Brie, Gigi, Bry)
- Cadhla
Irish Beautiful, graceful (Kyle, Kay, Kale, Kylie)
- Caitlin
Irish Pure (Cait, Catie, Cat, Cath, Lyn)
- Caoimhe
Irish Gentle, beautiful, precious (Kee, Keev, Eva, Evie, Kev)
- Cara
Irish Friend (Carrie, Car, Care, Carebear)
- Ciara
Gaelic Dark-haired (Cici, Kia Keer, Kees, Kee)
- Clíona
Irish Shapely (Clio, Klee, Leona, Leon, Clion)
- Clodagh
Irish Of an Irish river (Clo, Clodie, Clode)
- Clover – #755
English Meadow flower (Clove, Clovey, Love, Lovey, Clo)

- Colleen
Irish Girl (Coll, Collie, Collei, Leen)
- Deidre
Irish Broken-hearted, sorrowful (Did, Diddy, Dido, Deer, Dearie)
- Delaney – #242
Irish Dark challenger (Laney, Lane, Lanes, Del, Della)
- Eibhlin
Irish Shining light, torch (Ev, Lin, Linny, Evley)
- Eileen – #621
Gaelic Little bird, strength (Eil, El, Leen, Leenie, Len)
- Eilis
Irish God’s promise (El, Elle, Ellie, Eil, Leese)
- Emerald – #768
English Green Gemstone (Em, Emmy, Ems, Emers, Emer)
- Enya
Irish Fire, little seed (En, Eny, Ennie, Nya, Nia)
- Erin – #685
Irish Ireland (Er, Rin, Rinny, Eri)
- Faela
Irish One who is beautiful like a daybreak (Fae, Ayla, La, Ella, Fael)
- Fausta
Latin Fortunate (Fo, Faus, Fossy, Flossy, Fausty)
- Feadh
Irish Deer, wildness (Fifi, Fee, Fey, Fea)
- Felicia
Latin Lucky, fortunate (Fee, Fel, Cia, Licia, Leece)
- Felicity – #457
Latin Happiness, good fortune, luck (Fliss, Flick, Flossy, Flissy, Leece)
- Fern
Old English Someone who lives among ferns (Fen, Feenie, Fernie, Ferns)

- Finola
Irish White shoulders (Fin, Finny, Nola, Fins, Ola)
- Fiona – #357
Irish Fair, pale (Fifi, Fion, Fio, Ona, Ion)
- Goldie – #813
English Made of gold (Gold, Dee, Deedee, Golda)
- Gráinne
Irish Charming, love (Grawn, Grawny, Awney, Awnya)
- Grian
Irish The sun (Gree, Gria, Gigi, Gee)
- Imogen
Celtic Maiden (Immy, Em, Emmy, Im, Gen, Genny)
- Ivy – #42
Old English Evergreen vine (Iv, Ives, Ivers, Vee, Vivi)
- Jade – #88
English Precious green stone (Jades, Jada, Jadey, Jader)
- Kathleen
Irish Pure (Kat, Kathy, Leen, Kate, Katie)
- Kayleigh – #528
Irish Slim, fair (Kay, Kayl, Leigh, Lily, Kayla)
- Keeley
Irish Beautiful, graceful (Keel, Kee, Keys, Ley, Kiki)
- Keira – #535
Irish Dark, black (Kiki, Keer, Kay, Kays, Key)
- Kira – #390
Irish Dark haired (Kiki, Kir, Key, Keys, Kay)
- Kiaria
Japanese Fortunate (Kiki, Kia, Ria, Kiari, Riri)
- Laoise
Irish Light (Lee, Ley, Sha, Leesh, Leeshie)
- Liadan
Old Irish Grey lady (Lia, Leah, Liady, Lady, Dan)

- Maeve – #104
Irish Intoxicating, she who rules (May, Eve, Maevey, Mav)
- Maile
Irish Pearl (Mile, Milly, Miley, Miles, Mai)
- Mairead
Irish Pearl (Mai, Mir, Mira, Mimi, Mair)
- Maura
Irish Star of the sea (Maur, Mare, Maury, Morry)
- Mealla
Irish Sweetness (Mea, Mimi, Mella, Mel)
- Mireya
Spanish Miracle, luck (Mimi, Mir, Mire, Rey, Reya)
- Moira
Irish Destiny, fate (Mo, Momo, Moi, Ira, Moiry)
- Molly – #199
Irish Star of the sea (Mo, Momo, Moll)
- Neasa
Irish Not gentle (Nas, Nessa, Ness, Ssa, Nessie)
- Nessa
Greek Pure, holy (Ness, Nessie, Ssa)
- Niamh
Irish Bright, radiant (Nevie, Neve, Nev, Nene, Nia)
- Nuala
Irish Fair shouldered one (Nu, Nunu, Nini, Nualie, Nally)
- Olive – #158
English Olive tree (Liv, Livie, Oli, Livia)
- Oona
Irish Lamb (Oo, Oon, Oonie, Ona)
- Orla
Irish Golden princess (Orl, Orlie, Orrie, La)

Let these black girl names, steeped in culture, steal your heart!
- Orlaith
Old Irish Golden princess (Orl, Orlie, Orrie, Orla, Laith)
- Patrice
French Noble, patrician (Pat, Patty, Tris, Paddy, Patz)
- Patricia
Latin Noble (Pat, Patty, Trish, Tricia, Paddy)
- Rani
Sanskrit She who brings happiness and luck (Ra, Nini, Ran)
- Rhiannon
Welsh Great queen, Goddess (Rhea, Ria, Riri, Rian, Ann)
- Riona
Irish Queenly (Rio, Rion, Ona, Riri)
- Roisin
Irish Little rose (Rose, Rosie, Rosa, Rosh, Roshy)
- Rossa
Gaelic Headland (Ross, Rosa, Rosie, Rose)
- Sadiya
Arabic Lucky, fortunate (Sadi, Diya, Daya, Say, Day)
- Saoirse – #901
Irish Freedom, liberty (Sea, Sia, Sasha, Sursh, Cece)
- Sigrid
Scandinavian Victorious, fortunate (Sig, Siggy, Grid, Griddy, Sisi)
- Sinead
Irish God is gracious (Nade, Nadie, Nadia, Sini)
- Siobhan
Irish God is gracious (Shivvy, Bannie, Chiffon, Vonnie, Shiv)
- Sorcha
Old Irish Bright, shining (Sor, Sorkie, Sorchie, Soso)
- Tara
Gaelic Hill, star (Tarry, Tare, Tar, Tata)
- Teagan – #286
Irish Beautiful, attractive (Tea, Tiggy, Teagues, Teague, Teas)
- Zada
Arabic Prosperous, fortunate (Zad, Zadie, Zade, Ada, Zadz)
More aesthetic wonders for your little girl!
Irish Boy Names

- Aiden – #29
Irish Little fire (Aidy, Den, Denny, Aid, Aide)
- Ailbe
Old Irish White (All, Ally, Bay, Bays, Alby)
- Aodhán
Irish Fire, fiery (Aid, Aidy, Don, Donny, Dan, Danny)
- Bennett – #83
Latin Good fortune (Ben, Benny, Benz, Net)
- Bonaventure
French Good fortune, good luck (Bon, Bona, Vent, Venti, Bonbon)
- Bradan
Irish Salmon (Bray, Brad, Brads, Dan, Danny)
- Caelan
Irish Slender (Cae, Cael, Cal, Lan, Lany)
- Callahan – #518
Irish Bright-headed (Cal, Call, Han, Callie)
- Carrick
Irish From the rocky headland (Car, Carrie, Cars, Rick, Ricky)
- Chauncey
English Luck, fortune (Chaunce, Chance, Chancey, Chan, Chaun)
- Cian
Irish Ancient (Kia, Key, Keys, Kiki, Ian)
- Cillian – #736
Irish Bright-headed (Kili, Lee, Ian, Kee, Keys)
- Colin – #293
Gaelic Whelp, cub (Col, Cols, Collie, Lin, Linny)
- Colm
Irish Dove (Col, Cole, Colmy, Com, Come)
- Conall
Irish Strong wolf (Con, Connie, Connor, Cons, Can)
- Connor – #118
Irish Lover of wolves (Con, Connie, Cons, Corn)
- Cormac
Irish Son of the charioteer (Cor, Core, Cory, Corm, Cormy)
- Cullen – #908
Gaelic Handsome (Cul, Cull, Len, Lenny, Lens)
- Darragh
Irish Oak (Dare, Dar, Dara, Darey)
- Declan – #114
Irish Full of goodness, man of prayer (Deck, Decky, Dex, Lan, Dec)
- Dermot
Irish Without envy (Der, Derm, Dermy, Dermo)
- Devlin
Irish Fierce courage, unlucky (Dev, Devy, Lin, Linny, Devli)
- Dillon – #726
Irish Loyal, like a lion (Dil, Dilly, Dills, Lon, Lonnie)
- Donnacha
Irish Brown-haired warrior (Don, Donny, Dons, Donna)
- Donovan – #446
Irish Brown-haired chieftain (Don, Donny, Van, Novan, Nov)

- Eamon
Irish Wealthy protector (Ay, Aim, Mon, Monny)
- Eoghan
Gaelic Born of yew, youth (Owie, O, Wenny, Wen)
- Felix – #192
Latin Happy, fortunate (Lix, Lixy, Fel, Feli)
- Finnegan – #447
Irish Fair, fair-haired (Finn, Finny, Fins, Negan, Fine)
- Finnian
Irish Little fair one (Fin, Finny, Fine, Fins, Nian)
- Fintan
Irish Little fair one, white fire (Fin, Fins, Fint, Finty, Fints)
- Fionn
Irish Fair-haired (Fi, Fy, Fion, Ion, Finn)
- Flynn – #712
Irish Descendant of Flann (Flynny, Flan, Flanny, Lynn)
- Hugh – #811
Irish Mind, intellect (Hue, Huey, Hughs)
- Kael
Irish Slender, narrow (Kae, Kaeli, Kaels, Key, K)
- Kearney
Irish Victorious, triumphant (Kear, Ker, Ney, Nini, Kiki)
- Keegan – #567
Irish Fiery (Kee, Keys, Keeg, Keegy, Gan)

- Kieran – #490
Irish Little dark one (Key, Keys, Ran, Kier, Kiki)
- Kynan
Irish Chief, wise (Ky, Kee, Keys, Ken, Kenny)
- Lachlan – #746
Irish From the land of lakes (Lack, Lackey, Locky, Locks, Lock)
- Leif – #841
Scandinavian Heir, descendant (Lay, Lafey, Lafe, Leaf, Leafy)
- Liam – #1
Irish Helmet of will, protection (Li, Lia, Am, Lee, Lay)
- Lorcan
Irish Little fierce one (Lor, Lorce, Lorcky, Lucky, Can)
- Nevan
Irish Little saint (Nev, Nevy, Nevs, Neva, Van)
- Niall
Irish Champion (Ny, Nile, Niles, Nialley)
- Oisin
Irish Little deer (Osh, Sheen, Sheeny, Sheenzie, Sheenz)
- Oran
Irish Little green one (Ori, Ora, Ran, Ranny, Ore)
- Patrick – #218
Latin Nobleman, of noble origin (Pat, Rick, Ricky, Richy, Tricky)
- Pierce – #570
Irish Son of Piers, rock (Pier, Piercey, Pie, Percy, Perce)
- Rafferty
Irish One who will prosper (Raff, Raffy, Rafe)

- Ronan – #266
Irish Little seal (Ron, Ronny, Nan, Ronner, Rons)
- Rourke
Irish Illustrious and mighty (Ro, Roro, Rour, Rourkey)
- Ruadhán
Irish Little red-haired one (Roo, Ruru, Rowan, Rowie)
- Ryan – #74
Irish Little king (Ry, Ryguy, Ray, Rian)
- Seamus
Irish Supplanter (Shay, Shamey, Sea, Shays)
- Selig
Old German Blessed (Sel, Selly, Lig, Liggy, Sels)
- Senan
Irish Little wise one (Sen, Senny, Sense, Sunny, Sun)
- Sonas
Middle Irish Good fortune, prosperity (Son, Sonny, Sona, Sons)
- Tadhg
Irish Poet, philosopher (Tag, Taggy, Tags, Tad, Teddy)
- Torrin
Irish Little hills, from the hills (Tor, Torri, Tores, Toto, Toes)
- Turlough
Gaelic Abettor, instigator (Turl, Turly, Turls, Low, Lowie)
- Tycho
Latin Fortunate (Ty, Tyce, Coco)
- Ultan
Irish A man from Ulster (Ully, Ult, Ul, Tan, Tans)
- Venturo
Spanish Good fortune, good luck (Ven, Venti, Ventur, Turo, Venny)
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Gender-Neutral Irish Names

- Dara
Irish Pearl of wisdom (Dare, Darrie, Dares, Dar, D)
- Darby
Irish Free from envy, from the deer estate (Dar, Dare, Darb, Bee, D)
- Darcy
Irish Dark-haired, descendant of the dark (Darce, Dar, Darry, Arce, Ace)
- Finley – #218
Irish Fair-haired courageous one (Fin, Finny, Fins, Ley, Lili)
- Kaelin
Irish Pure, slender (Kae, Kael, Lynn, Kaeli)
- Kellan – #851
Gaelic Slender (Kell, Kells, Kelly, Kelsy)
- Kelly – #805
Irish Warrior, bright-headed (Kel, Kelsi, Kels, Kell)
- Lennon – #229
Irish Lover (Len, Lenny, Lens, Lenno, Lem)
- Lucky
English Fortunate (Lucks, Luck, Luckies)

- Quinn – #73
Irish Wise, sense, reason (Queen, Qui, Quinny, Quinns)
- Rory – #335
Irish Red king (Ro, Roro, Roar, Riri, Roo)
- Sage – #144
English Wise one, prophet (Sagey, Sages, Sag)
- Sean – #397
Irish God is gracious (Seany, Seans, Shaw)
- Shannon
Irish Posessor of wisdom (Shan, Shanny, Shans, Non, Hannon)
- Shea
Gaelic The stately, dauntless one (Shay, Shays)
- Sloane – #397
Irish Raider, warrior (Slow, Sloaney, Sloans, Loans, Loaney)
Wrapping Up Irish Baby Names For Boys and Girls
We hope you’ve enjoyed this little jaunt through the world of Irish baby names.
Now, go ahead and pick a name that makes your heart dance an Irish jig or at least one that’s as charming as a leprechaun’s smile.
Remember, a name is just the beginning of your child’s incredible journey, so choose one that sets them on the path to their own pot of gold.
Cheers to new beginnings and the joy your baby’s name will bring!
Find even more distinctive gems in our specially chosen baby name lists.