150 Vintage Girl Names You Don’t Hear Anymore (Uncommon & Old-Fashioned – 2025)

Ancient Girl Names You’ll love

Do you love uncommon old-fashioned baby girl names? Are you looking for a vintage baby girl name you don’t hear anymore? Then, this is the right post for you.

My name is Gloria. And yes, Gloria is a vintage girl name. I can count on one hand how many Glorias I’ve met. We are that few (and special)!

You can imagine how pleased I am to write this post today, it resonates deeply with me as someone with a forgotten girl name.

Rare Vintage Girl Names With cute nicknames

Anyhow, the beauty of having an uncommon retro girl name is that you get to stand out amongst your peers as the girl with the classic timeless name.

So, I totally get why you would want such a special ancient girl name for your baby.

I’ve taken out the time to compile 100 forgotten vintage girl names that I’m sure you’ll absolutely love. These are girl names hardly used anymore!

You would find that many are uncommon and a few have been brought “back to life” because they are names of famous people or characters such as Gwyneth (Paltrow), Octavia (Spencer), and Hermione (Granger – Harry Potter).

Vintage Baby Girl Names You Don’t Hear Anymore

unique vintage names

Below are the detailed meanings, origins and nicknames of 100 elegant vintage girl names. If you want to know more about these timeless female names, keep on reading.


Agatha is a strong old lady’s name of Greek origin meaning “good, honorable.” Some nicknames for Agatha are Aggie and Ags.


Agnes is a cute old school name of Greek origin meaning “pure, holy.” Some nicknames for Agnes are Agnie and Nessie.


Alma is a sweet name from a variety of origins – Latin, Italian, Hebrew and Arabic. It means “nourishing, kind; soul; young woman; learned.” Some nicknames for Alma are Al and Ali.


Amarantha is a beautiful Greek name meaning “unfading.” Some nicknames for Amarantha are Amara and Ammy.


Antoinette is a stunning old fashioned name of French origin. In English baby names, the meaning of the name Antoinette is: “Highly praiseworthy.” Some nicknames for Antionette are Annie and Netty.


Augusta is a pretty uncommon Latin girl name meaning “great, magnificent.” Some nicknames for Augusta are Gus and Gussie.


Barbara is a traditional girl name of Greek origin meaning “strange” or “foreign.” Some nicknames for Barbara are Babs or Barbs.


Benedicta is a pretty Latin name you don’t hear every day. It means ‘blessed.’ Some nicknames for Benedicta are Bennie and Bene.

Vintage Baby Girl Names You Dont Hear Anymore


Berenice is a lovely unusual vintage name that comes from Ancient Greek origin. It means “bringer of victory.” Some nicknames for Berenice are Bere and Reni.


Bernice is another elegant woman’s name. It’s a form of Berenice which originates from Ancient Greek and has the meaning “bringer of victory.” Some nicknames for Bernice are Bernie and Benny.


Carlisle is a strong name of English origin meaning “from the walled city.” Some nicknames for Carlisle are Carli and Lyle.


Carole is a traditional name of English origin, meaning “free person” or “song.” Some nicknames for Carole are Caro and Carrie. Carole is also a cute Christmas female name.


Catherina is a beautiful classic girl name that derives from Ancient Greek and has the meaning “pure.” Some nicknames for Catherina are Cat and Cath.


Claudine is a lovely forgotten vintage name that is French in origin and means “lame.” Some nicknames of Claudine are Claudi and Dina.


Concordia is an unusual old-fashioned name that comes from Latin origin meaning “harmony.” Some nicknames of Concordia are Connie and Cory.


Constance is a pretty vintage name of Latin origin and has the meaning “constant.” Some nicknames for Constance are Connie and Consta.


Deborah is a traditional women’s name that comes from Hebrew origin meaning “bee.” Some nicknames for Deborah are Debs and Debbie.

Vintage Baby Girl Names You Dont Hear Anymore


Diane is a pretty name of French origin meaning “divine.” Some nicknames for Diane are Di and Dee-Dee.


Dolores is a lovely old fashioned Spanish name that means “lady of sorrows.” Some nicknames for Dolores are Dolly and Lola.


Dorothea is a beautiful classic girl name of Greek origin and has the meaning “gift of God.” Some nicknames for Dorothea are Dot and Dottie.


Edith is a stunning name that comes of English origin and means “prosperous in war.” Some nicknames of Edith are Edie and Dita.


Elda is a pretty old lady name of Hebrew origin. It’s a very classic name that has more than one meaning.

In English, it means “old and wise protector.” In Italian it means “a battle maiden,” and in Latin, it means “of advanced age.” Some nicknames for Elda are El and Elds.


Elisabeth is a pretty relation to the Hebrew timeless female name Elizabeth, meaning “God’s promise.” Some nicknames of Elisabeth are Elisa and Lissie.


Emmanuella is a beautiful name that is Hebrew in origin and means “God is with us.” Some nicknames for Emmanuella are Emma and Emmy.


Enid is a lovely Welsh name and means “life, spirit.” It’s definitely one of the names that aren’t used anymore! Some nicknames for Enid are Enie and Edie.

Uncommon Old-Fashioned Baby Girl Names

an old fashioned little girl staring at the camera and smiling slightly


Ernestine is a very unique vintage name of Old German origin meaning “serious.” Some nicknames for Ernestine are Ernie and Nessie.


Ethel is a traditional name that comes from English origin meaning “noble maiden.” Some nicknames for Ethel are Ettie and Ethy.


Eudora is a beautiful elegant lady’s name that is Greek in origin and means “good gift.” Some nicknames for Eudora are Dora and Dorie.


Eunice is a lovely name that comes from Greek origin meaning “good victory.” Some nicknames for Eunice are Uni and Nessa.


Frances is a pretty non-girly name which is of Latin origin meaning “from France” or “free one.” Some nicknames for Frances are Frankie and Fran.


Fredrika is a stunning name that comes from Old German meaning “peaceful ruler.” Some nicknames for Fredrika are Freddie and Rika.


Geneva is a beautiful of French origin meaning “juniper tree.” Some nicknames for Geneva are Gene and Ginny.


Genevieve is a strong name that is French in origin and means “tribe woman.” Some nicknames for Genevieve are Nevie and Gene.


Geraldine is a traditional name of Old German and French origin meaning “spear ruler.” Some nicknames of Geraldine are Geri and Dina.

Two young girls dressed in vintage clothes


Gertrude is a strong name of Old German origin and means “strong spear.” Some nicknames of Gertrude are Gertie and Trudy.


Gilberta is a pretty name of Old German origin and means “bright promise.” Some nicknames for Gilberta are Gilly and Berta.


Gloria is a lovely name of Latin origin meaning “glory.” Some nicknames of Gloria are Glo and Ria.


Gwendolen is a pretty name of Welsh origin meaning “white ring.” Some nicknames of Gwendolen are Gwen and Gwennie.


Guinevere is a beautiful name of Welsh origin and means “white shadow.” Some nicknames of Guinevere are Evie and Ginnie.


Gwyneth is a traditional Welsh name meaning “happiness.” Some nicknames for Gwyneth are Gwyn and Gwynnie.


Harrietta is a beautiful name of German origin and means “home ruler.” Some nicknames for Harrietta are Harri and Ettie.


Henrietta is a lovely name that has the same origin and meaning as Harrietta above. Some nicknames of Henrietta are Henri and Etta.


Hephzibah is a stunning name of Hebrew origin meaning “she is my delight.” Some nicknames for Hephzibah are Hephie and Effie.

Uncommon Old-fashioned Baby Girl Names


Hermione is a pretty name of Greek origin that means “messenger, earthly.” Some nicknames for Hermione are Hermie and Hemmie.


Hildegard is a strong name of Old German origin meaning “battle stronghold.” Some nicknames for Hildegard are Hilda and Hildy.


Hildred is a lovely name of Old German origin which means “battle counselor.” Some nicknames for Hildred are Hilly and Hils.


Honoria is a pretty name of Latin origin meaning “woman of honor.” Some nicknames for Honoria are Honor and Norie.


Hyacinth is Greek for Hyacinth flower. Cute nicknames are Jacinda, Jacintha, Giacinta.


Imelda is a beautiful name of both Old German and Italian origin meaning “universal battle.” Some nicknames for Imelda are Melda and Immy.


Imogen is a pretty name from both Irish and Gaelic origin meaning “maiden.” Some nicknames for Imogen are Immy and Ginny.


Josephina is a lovely name of Hebrew origin and means “He shall increase.” Some nicknames for Josephina are Josie and Fifi.


Jude is a strong name of Hebrew and Latin origin meaning “praised.” Some nicknames for Jude are Judy and Judes.

Forgotten Vintage Names For Girls

A young vintage girl clasping her hands while posing for a picture


Judith is a lovely name of Hebrew origin and means “woman of Judea.” Some nicknames for Judith are Judy and Jude.


Katherina is a beautiful name of Greek origin meaning “pure.” Some nicknames for Katherina are Katy and Kath.


Lenora is a beautiful name related to the Greek names Eleanor, Lenore and Leonora. Some nicknames for Lenora are Lenny and Nora.


Leontine is a stunning name from both French and Latin origins meaning “lioness.” Some nicknames of Leontine are Leonie and Tina.


Lorenza is a beautiful name of Italian origin meaning “from Laurel.” Some nicknames for Lorenza are Laurie and Renzie.


Lorraine this beautiful French name means “from Lorraine.” Short forms of Lorraine include Lori and Lorine.


Lucrezia is a stunning Italian name meaning “profit or wealth.” Lucrezia Noin is an anime character from Gundam Wing.


Magdalene is a Greek name that means “from Magdalene.” There are so many pet names for Magdalene. My favorites are Lena, Lynn, Madge, and Maude.


Marceline a pretty Latin name meaning “belonging to Mars.” It’s also a feminine form of Mark. Common nicknames are Marcy and Marquita.


Margaret is of Greek origin which means “pearl.” Greta, Gretchen, Maggie, and Maisie are some great nicknames for Margaret.

Forgotten Vintage Names For Girls


Marjorie is a form of Margery. It means “pearl.” Marje and Marjie are great pet names.


Matilda is an Old German name. It means “powerful in battle.” Tilly and Mattie are perfect nicknames.


Maud is a form of Madeline or Matilda.


Maureen is a sweet old French name that means “dark-skinned.” Its nicknames include Mora, Moira, and Maurizia.


Melisande was made popular in recent years by the Tv series, Game of Thrones. Melisande is a form of Melissa that means “honey bee.” Short forms are Mellie, Millie, Missy, and Misha.


Meredith a Welsh name meaning “guardian of the sea.” A beautiful pet name is Merry.


Mildred means “gentle counselor.” It’s Old English in origin. Cute nicknames are Milly and Millie.


Millicent means “industrious” and is a form of Melissa. Short forms are Mel, Missy, and Millie.


Mirele is a Hebrew that’s a short form of Miriam meaning “wished for a child.” Nicknames include Mele and Maire.


Mona a pretty name of Greek origin meaning “noble.” Cute nicknames are Moina and Monah.

Forgotten Vintage Names For Girls


Morgana was made popular by the infamous character in Merlin. Morgana is a beautiful Welsh name meaning “edge of the sea.” A feminine form of Morgan. Pet names include Morgen and Morganne.


Muna is a beautiful Arabic name meaning “wishes, desires.” Pretty pet names for Muna are Mona and Mouna.


Octavia is the feminine form of Octavius. It’s Latin for “eight.” Notable actress and Oscar winner Octavia Spencer have made the name more popular lately.


Odelia a Hebrew name that means “I will praise God.”


Olga is a Scandinavian name meaning “Holy.” Cute short forms are Olive, Olva, and Helga.


Olympia is Greek for “heavenly.” Can be shortened to Olympe, Olimpia.


Patricia is Latin for “of the nobility” and the feminine form of Patrick. Short forms are Pat, Patsy, and Trish.


Perpetua is Latin for “continuous.” Perpetua Fancourt is a character in the Harry Potter series.


Phyllis is Greek for “green bough.” Nicknames are Filide and Philis.


Prudence is a beautiful Latin name meaning “foresight, intelligence.” Cute pet names are Peu and Prue.

three little girls looking and admiring the vintage clothes they're wearing


Regina is a Latin name meaning “queen.” Raina, Reggie, and Regan are some of her nicknames.


Roberta an Old English name that means “shining with fame.” Roberta is also a feminine form of Robert. Nicknames include Bobbie, Robbie, and Robin.


Rosamund is Old German for “famous guardian.” Beautiful nicknames for Rosamund are Ros and Roz.


Roslyn is an English variation of the name, Rosalyn. It means “soft, tender, flexible.”


Ruth is a biblical name of Hebrew origin. Ruth means “friend of beauty.” A Cute nickname is Ruthie.


Scholastica is a Latin name meaning “rhetorician, orator.” Cute nicknames are Scholar and Lastica.

Forgotten Vintage Names For Girls


Severine is a beautiful feminine name that is a variant of Severina. It means “stern.” Nicknames for Severine are Sev, Rina, and Ria.


Simin is a pretty Persian name meaning “silvery.”


Soledad is a cute Spanish name meaning “solitude.” And the name of Olympic medalist, Soledad Gracia.


Susan is a Hebrew name for “lily.” Pretty nicknames are Sue, Suki, and Suzi.


Sybil is Greek for “prophetess.” Popular nicknames are Cybill, Sib, Sibby.


Teresa is the Greek name for “reaper.” Tessy, Tracy, Terri, and Zita are known nicknames.


Theodora means ‘gift of God’ and is a feminine form of Theodore. Theodora is of Greek origin. Sweet nicknames are Dora, Fedora, and Theda.

Forgotten Vintage Names For Girls


Tovah is a beautiful Hebrew name meaning “good.” An alternate spelling is Tova.


Ursula is Latin for “little bear.” Orsa and Sula are common nicknames of Ursula.


Victoria is Latin in origin. Victoria means “victory” and is the feminine form of Victor. Vickie and Vicky are cute nicknames.


Virginia is Latin for “virginal, maidenly.” Ginger, Ginni, and Jinny are beautiful nicknames.


Winnifred is Old German for “peaceful friend.” It’s also a form of Guinevere. Freddie, Freddy, Winnie, and Wynn are cute nicknames for Winnifred.


Little girl with a vintage background and dress sitting - Rare Vintage Girl Names


Antonia is a lovely Latin name that means “priceless.” Some nicknames for Antonia include Ann, Toni, Tonia, and Nia.


This beautiful name comes from Gaelic origins and means “pledge” or “promise.” A cute pet name for Arlene is Len.


If you’re looking for a name that originates from the Old German language, Bertha might be an option for you. It means “the bright one” or “famous.” You can call your daughter Bertie or Bert.


This Hebrew name means “God is my oath.” One common nickname for this name is Bess.


Betsy is a rare name that has roots in the English language. It means “worshipper of God.” A short nickname for this name is Bets.


Bette is a cute Hebrew name that means “God’s promise.” A lovely nickname for Bette is Betty.


This name originates from Old German culture. It translates to “free thinker” or “free spirit.” You can also nickname your little girl Char, Charlie, or Len.


Clarice is a beautiful vintage name that comes from Latin origins. This name means “bright” and “clear.” A sweet nickname is Claire.


Connie is a sweet Latin name that means “steadfast” and “reliable”, two traits you definitely want in your child.


This old-fashioned name comes from Latin culture and translates to “horn.” Some popular nicknames are Connie, Nelle, and Nellie.


This unique French name means “beautiful maiden.” If you’re looking for a way to shorten the name, you can choose Cor, Cora, or Cory.


Delores is an English name that means “sorrows.” Although this name has a sad meaning, it is still a lovely-sounding name for your daughter. A nickname for this name is Lola.

Rare Vintage Girl Names


Doris is a Greek name that means “gift from the sea.” Dory and Dora are some cute short forms of this name.


Edna is a Hebrew name that translates to “rejuvenation.” It is also the name of Edna Mode, the iconic fashion designer character from the animated movie The Incredibles.


Elva is a unique Irish name that means “white” or “bright.” Some nicknames for this name are Elle, Ellie, and Elvie.


Elvira is a German name that means “truth.” If you’re looking for some cute nicknames, Elvie, Ellie, Vira, and Elle are some choices.


Essie is a Persian name that means “star.” A nickname for this unique name is Cece.


This vintage name has roots in Greek origins. It means “well-born” or “noble.” Genie is a cute pet name for this name.


Eula is a short and sweet Scandinavian name that means “well-spoken.”


Frida is a lovely German name that means “peace.” You can also call your daughter by the nicknames Fri, Fifi, or Ida.


Gladys is a beautiful name that originates from Welsh culture. This name means “princess,” and it is the perfect name for your little princess.


For a vintage Spanish name, Inez is one that means “pure” or “chaste.” Nezzie is a cute nickname for Inez.


Irma is an interesting German name. It means “universal” or “complete.” Some nicknames for this name are Ire, Ira, or Ma.


Janice is a Hebrew name that means “God has been gracious.” Jan, Jane, and Janie are some adorable nicknames for this name.

Rare Vintage Girl Names

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